
I should be studying for my upcoming midterms. But, I’ve been spending most of my time googling and researching about potential SEP destinations instead. We only have till the 8th of October to decide, which doesn’t leave me a lot of time :/

It would be so much more helpful if I had seniors, who’ve been to the countries/universities I’m interested in, to talk to instead of having to scour through personal blogs , forums, and school websites to find out more.

I do have countries in mind, but I have no idea which university to pick. I REALLY want to go to Sweden, since I’ve always wanted to travel and visit the Scandinavian region.. but I’m still looking for more information on the different Swedish universities – Lund/Uppsala/Goteborg/etc.

Also, the haze in Singapore is TERRIBLE!! Seriously, I’ve used up TWO tissue boxes in this week alone thanks to my stupid, overly-sensitive nose. And my overly-sensitive eye, too.. recently, I’ve been waking up in the mornings with a puffy, red left eye (there’s a name for my eye’s medical condition but I forgot what it was… too cheem:/ Basically it can be allergic to anything and everything and there’s no cure for it, only treatment once redness occurs). Because of this, I can’t even wear contact lens.. sigh.


So out of the five modules I’m taking this semester, I have midterm exams for only 3 out of those 5 modules. And what do you know, all three midterm exams happen to all fall on the SAME day. One in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening. Oh, joy. 真幸运 indeed.

Anyway. I’m in a slump. Have not had any motivation to study or do my work at all these few weeks. Well, it’s not like I’ve always been a particularly motivated and hardworking student, but I haven’t really done anything productive in the last week or so.. been skipping 3102’s lectures as well, since the lecturer is just so damn bad that the word bad doesn’t even begin to describe it, and I feel myself falling behind but I just can’t snap out of it and get my ass in gear.

Doesn’t help that the first ever MMORPG I ever played (Fiesta Online) was recently “revived” due to a server merge and is now serving as a distraction… also, where are all the good mmorpgs these days?! Echo of Soul looked promising, but turned out to be a disappointment :/ I got bored in less than a week and quit even before beta ended. I’ve tried a few – Forsaken World, Aura Kingdom, Eden Eternal, Aion, etc – but none ever hold my attention for long and I always return to Fiesta. First love and all that, maybe 😉

But forget that. Applications for SEP will open soon! I really wonder if I’ll be able to survive in a foreign country on my own, without my best friends and family there to rely on, especially with all the shitload of self-esteem and social anxiety issues I have… I’m a worrier, and I worry about the slightest things that most other “normal” people would never even think of worrying about, but that’s a post for another day. I should get back to watching 3102’s webcast now… but. the lecturer is awful! :/

the whole uproar over charlotte proudman

… is just hilarious but silly at the same time. I’m sorry but I really don’t see how the whole situation can be considered remotely “sexist”. Is a man not allowed to compliment a woman now, and vice versa? And now thanks to all the negative attention she’s brought on herself for making something out of nothing, she’s been exposed as a hypocrite – LOL. Anyway. I just can’t help but do a massive eye-roll whenever people throw terms like “racism”, “misogyny”, “misandry”, “sexism” blah blah blah so loosely around. I suppose me saying that Ariana Grande’s a talentless bimbo would make me a misogynist. In short I guess I just don’t think very highly of terminally offended idiots who get offended over everything and nothing at all.


sometimes I really can’t help but wonder how the ***** some of the lecturers in NUS actually got their jobs as a lecturer. Shouldn’t they have to at least be able to speak semi-decent English?  I know I have to take responsibility for my own learning, but it would be really helpful and would save a lot of time and frustration if my lecturer actually knew what he was talking about. EC3102, I’m looking at you… terrible, TERRIBLE lecturer. Almost as bad as GEK1505’s. Ugh. Argh. I very mistakenly thought I would love this mod since I loved EC2102, but no. I hate this mod already, and I’m sure my dislike for it will grow even more as the semester progresses.