my body, my life, yet not my choice.

Isn’t it funny, how the Singapore Government is more scary to me than covid-19 itself?

You would think and hope that the government would protect and look out for their citizens, not go on a insane rampage and impose a slew of policies and laws one after another that makes it literally impossible for you to live in society. Fact: This government scares me more than covid-19 or anything else.

Let it be known – yes, I am now considering jabbing myself with the Sinovac ‘vaccine’. Not because I feel it is to my benefit – in fact, I believe it may do me more harm than good, and I DO NOT want to jab myself with some unknown, experimental jab. If I DO end up taking the ‘vaccine’ aka experimental jab, it is purely and only because the government has forced me to with all their insane and frankly horrifying policies and laws. I will be taking it against my will and against my belief.

My body, my health, my life, yet not my choice. What a joke.

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