what the fuck

just read an article about some fucktard chinese piece of shit who tied his dog by the neck to the back of his pickup truck and drove. The dog ran behind the truck until it could no longer keep up, its legs gave out, and it was dragged on the road until it died. WHAT THE FUCK.

Not just the fucking piece of scumbag driver who did it. But everyone else on the road who saw and did nothing to help the dog. I would have rammed the fucktard. Blocked his car. Did something. Anything. Instead, the people who saw just took photos and did nothing like the fucking fucktards they are. You have fucktards taking pictures from the back, fucktards taking pictures from the front, fucktards taking pictures from the side, and NOT A SINGLE PERSON – I MEAN SCUMBAG DIRT PIECE OF SHIT, NOT PERSON – doing anything because they’re all fucking filth lowlife scum who deserve to be brutally and painfully tortured to death. Stories like this really PISS me the fuck off. Humans are fucking pieces of shits.

I know this is common in the Middle East too. They drag their enemies along the road, sometimes while alive sometimes just to show off their corpses. You just have to go on sites like liveleak to see. And I would give ANYTHING to see this scumbag chinese driver subjected to the same fate. I would be there to pour salt in his wounds as he’s being dragged to his death. Don’t tell me an eye for an eye makes the world go blind because honestly i don’t give a shit. And don’t tell me human lives matter above any others. That’s bullshit.

And is anyone surprised that this took place in China? No, course not. People there (or should I say lowly pieces of shit-filth-scumbags there) would just walk by a person dying in the street without calling for help or checking to see if the person’s okay. Fuck you evil piece of shit who did this. And everyone else who saw and did nothing but take fucking photos, you all deserve to die too. Slowly. Painfully. fucking filth.


gold digging hoes

Wonder what’s happened to the woman who cried rape and tried to get rich off Patrick Kane? Her name and picture should be published so she can get blasted at by complete strangers over the internet. It’s the least she deserves, since she got away scot-free for nearly ruining a person’s life.

That’s what all the sheeples did when she made her false rape allegation. Look how quick the sheep were to brand Kane a rapist, call for him to be jailed, “scum, dirtbag, lowlife piece of shit”, the list goes on… it would be amusing to see this woman have a little taste of it. I’m evil, I know. But I save my sympathy and nice warm feelings for those who deserve it.

I still believe that people who make false rape allegations should serve the exact same sentence their victim would have served had she/he been found guilty based on their lies.

dear neighbour who lives in the apartment above mine,

About three weeks ago, I was so pleasantly woken up to the sound of heavy pounding on my ceiling. Then came the sound of drilling and buzzing, so loud and strong that I could literally feel the floor vibrating beneath my feet as I walked around my apartment, or as I sat at my desk studying for my upcoming finals.

This continued for a delightful two weeks without pause. Every day from 9 am to about 5 or 6pm. Even when I took my dog down to the void deck at ground level for a walk, I could still hear the drilling that was taking place nine floors up directly above my apartment.

Speaking of my dog, it was cute initially how spooked she was at the incessant pounding and noise. First she kept trying to hide in our bathroom, and when she was chased out by my parents, she went looking for new hiding spots. Squeezed herself into a small little corner behind my laundry basket and behind a curtain. Under my chair. On my bed under the blankets. And even when she finally gave in to sleep curled at my feet, her ears would twitch continuously at the relentless knocking and pounding and drilling.

Two weeks in, my sister who was studying for her A levels that were less than two weeks away, was driven near crazy by you. My mum went up to politely ask when you would be done, and you said in a day or two. Then the noise intensified. I gave up watching the TV because I can’t lip-read and there’s a limit as to how high I can turn the volume on.

One and a half weeks later, it finally stopped! The knocking and pounding ceased. The floor stopped vibrating beneath my feet. I could actually go for more than a minute without hearing a THUD THUD THUD and a BZZZZZZ BZZZZ BZZZZ! Hallelujah. But the next day?


I admit, I was very tempted on more than one occasion to yell out of my window, SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING NOISY FUCKER! Not that you would have heard me over the noise you were making.

It’s now been three weeks and while the drilling has stopped, or at least happens only periodically instead of non-stop throughout the day, the pounding is still going on. Non-stop, I might add.

And yay, as I’m typing this there’s even more knocking and pounding right above my head. Lovely. You really couldn’t have picked a better time to self-renovate your house or whatever the hell you’re doing up there.

I’ve been tolerating you for three weeks now but I’m not sure how much longer I can do so. Really, here’s a giant thank you fuck you. 

Hopefully you’ll be done by the end of this year.


jaw surgery update

I’ve finally booked a date for the surgery.

So today I had my consultation with Dr W. In an earlier blog post I talked about how I didn’t like the dental surgeon I was currently seeing, and how I hoped Dr W would be better… and yes, thankfully she’s LOADS better. I like her so much more than Dr O. Obviously, I’m getting operated on by her and not Dr O;)

Dr O: tight-lipped about information, barely gave information on the procedure and aftermath, kept discouraging me from getting surgery and kept emphasising the risks/negative consequences of the surgery while completely ignoring the positive part of it. Sounded kinda biased, unhelpful and most importantly, he did not understand and had zero empathy.

Dr W: gave lots of information, not just on the surgery itself and what she would be doing to my jaw during the op, but also about the aftermath – the healing period, what I would need to do, what to expect, the likes. And she was a lot more understanding and empathetic than Dr O. Like him, she told me to consider it very carefully but she understood that I’d already been thinking about it for very long and that I really wanted to do it, and I remember she said something along the lines of “If you’ve really thought long and hard about it, and you really want to do it, it’s best to do it now while you’re still young than wait till you’re old”. She understood, more so than Dr O, why I felt self-conscious about my jaw. Why I wanted to fix it.

Also, like Dr O, she mentioned that jaw surgery would change the shape of my face and could really make a significant difference. But unlike Dr O, who kept repeating this fact and making it to be entirely negative probably in the hopes of having me change my mind, Dr W elaborated on it. She mentioned that she might have to do an op on my chin as well to make my face more proportionate/keep the height of my face after surgery. But she won’t know until after she’s operated on my jaw – it has to be a decision she makes during the surgery itself after she’s done with my jaw.

Let’s just say I have more confidence in her than I do in Dr O.

Anyway, my surgery is scheduled to be in Jan 2016. Would have preferred an earlier date, but there wasn’t any:( Oh well.

I guess I should start looking for a job to keep me occupied in December.

yet another jaw surgery post

So I have a consultation with a second jaw surgeon, Dr W, sometime next week. And depending on what she says, I might be going to consult a third jaw surgeon Dr T sometime in the middle of November. I found out about Dr T by reading other Singaporeans’ jaw surgery blogs and forums, and Dr W is someone recommended to me by my orthodontist. By luck, my orthodontist knows Dr T as well so he wrote me two referral letters for the both of them. Seriously, have I mentioned how awesome my orthodontist is?!?

That aside, I really really hope these two oral surgeons – Dr W and Dr T – leave a much better impression on me than the current oral surgeon I’m consulting, Dr O. Honestly, I don’t have a really good impression of Dr O, I don’t really trust him, and I am really open to considering having my jaw surgery done by another surgeon. Ugh.

1. I feel that Dr O isn’t helpful at all. He doesn’t volunteer advice or information about the jaw surgery itself, only the bare minimum, and my ORTHODONTIST gives me way more advice (without me having to ask) about the jaw surgery than the jaw surgeon Dr O himself -.- Like, just today my orthodontist was telling me that I actually had some options, explained more about the cutting process, how it would affect me, blah blah blah. But my last consultation with Dr O, all he did was tell me he would be cutting some part of my jaw and that my face would be shorter and that was it. Didn’t give me more information or advice and just really really unhelpful and tight-lipped about everything!

2. I already mentioned this in a previous blog post, but I hate how Dr O keeps trying to dissuade me from having the surgery. STOP. Gawd. It was fine the first two visits but by the third consultation with him I was annoyed. And I don’t even know if he REALLY knows what I want to get out of the surgery. Like he keeps mentioning about how the surgery will improve X but really, I’ve been telling him three times now that I want the surgery to fix Y.

3. I don’t feel like Dr O genuinely cares. Sure he might be good at what he does, but I’d prefer someone who I feel can empathise with me and actually care, you know? Like my orthodontist. He’s amazing. Also, when he was taking a dental impression of my teeth, Dr O wasn’t exactly gentle. Not intentionally rough but yeah, it was kinda rough and he didn’t speak or reassure me or anything, just worked in complete silence. So unlike my orthodontist, who will always make small talk and tell me I’m doing fine and I’m always comfortable around him.

In short I just don’t feel all warm and fuzzy towards my oral surgeon. And I don’t trust him 100% either. Even though he’s supposedly one of the best in Singapore at what he does. Here’s hoping my consultation with Dr W and possibly Dr T will go well.