can’t breathe. cranky.

My nose has all along been overly sensitive. During a 12-hour flight to Europe with my family, I used SIX tissue packets because my bloody nose wouldn’t stop freaking running and I couldn’t stop sneezing. I would have used more, too, but we’d only brought six onto the plane with us and I couldn’t afford to keep running to the toilet to blow my nose and use the toilet paper to wipe my nose with, so I had to keep re-using the used tissues.

Each packet has 10 tissues so that was 60 tissues in total and NO I am not exaggerating. When I flew to Europe with B, again I used as many tissues. And even when we landed in Europe where it was slightly colder, about air-con temperature, it took my nose a few days to adapt and I had to keep using tissues throughout the days. It’s ****** annoying.

Sometimes, my nose just acts up and it’s like I have a “one-day flu”. My nose just keeps running and filling up with mucus and I end up using ONE WHOLE BOX of tissues in a day. Most “normal” people use one  box of tissues in the span of 3 months, like my parents and sister. Not me, not with my nose. I can use one in a DAY because of my frickin’ stupid nose.

It’s also why I had so much difficulties breathing – or should I say wasn’t able to breathe at all – after my jaw surgery. Sinus problems worsened by 100 times in the aftermath.

And now, my nose is acting up again. I haven’t been able to sleep the last few nights because I couldn’t bloody breathe. Nose keeps getting blocked, doesn’t matter if I lie on my back or on my side or whatever, the right side of my nose is just blocked. There’s this huge lump in my nostril (that sometimes is so small I can’t feel it but other times so huge) and whenever it’s especially big I have such a hard time breathing through that nostril. These past few days I’ve been lying in my bed for three hours and not being able to fall asleep because I can’t breathe -.-

Also it forces me to breathe through my mouth sometimes at night which I HATE. Wake up with a scratchy and sore throat. Frickin’ nose. Annoyed because I haven’t been able to sleep well for a week now. Dark eye circles are getting worse fml. I go to bed at 11pm and only end up falling asleep at 1am or even later. And keep waking up throughout the night because of my damn bloody nose.

I would really like one night of being able to sleep and breathe properly. Somehow I doubt tonight will be the night.


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